Saturday, February 26, 2011

Winter Camp

On February 22nd the Outdoor Ed class took off snowshoeing at approximately 9 o'clock a.m. We pushed ourselves to complete the 2 hour walk to our destination on Gaug lake. After the exhausting walk, groups were formed to begin making the quinzees. After building up the snow in the area of our choice, we needed to wait a couple of hours, to let the snow freeze. Finally when it was time to dig out the quinzees, my groups sadly caved in and we needed to go with plan B. In the end we ended up making a different kind of shelter to sleep in, with the help of Mr.Martin. The class left on snowshoes once again the next day, with another 2 hour journey back to the High School.
I learned many things on this trip. I learnt that I am able to handle winter conditions better than I expected to. I also learned that things don't always work out according to plan, hence when my quinzee collapsed. I do not usually like being outside for long periods of time during the winter, although if you are prepared for the changing weather conditions, and bring proper food and water to keep hydrated, it can be a fun experience.
On the trip I really enjoyed just relaxing and talking with my friends. I also loved the food, and had fun building my quinzee. Just being outside, and having a good time with everyone, made it all worth while. The food was enjoyable, and I learnt that the food doesn't need to be plain just because you're out camping. You are able to have a well balanced meal, if you bring the right kitchen utensils, and have a nice fire going.
Would I change anything next time? Honestly, no, I don't think so. I brought enough clothing and was warm the entire trip. The food was great, and was very enjoyable. Maybe the only thing I would change next time, would be the location. I found the walk extremely long, and I was really sore after it. I would of preferred a shorter walk.
I would definitely do this again, without doing it for marks. Being outside, and not stuck at home watching t.v or being on my laptop, felt good. I was able to spend quality time with my classmates, and we were satisfied by enjoying each others company.
The over night winter camp was a great experience, and I would do it over and over again if I could! This trip prepared me for future camping adventures with the class, and I can't wait to go again!

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