Saturday, February 26, 2011

Wintercamp Reflection: Scott Jackson

Our winter camp experience began on February 22nd at approximately 9:00 A.M. and ended the next day February 23rd at approximately 1:00 P.M. Our group set out to the lake at 9:00 A.M. on snowshoe through the bush trails uphill for approximately 2 hours. Once we got to camp, we unloaded our gear bags and began to construct our quinzees. After we piled up the snow, we ate lunch and waited for the quinzees for about 2 hours before we hollowed them out. We then kept the fire going and set up our sleeping gear in the quinzees. After we ate dinner we sat around the fire for a couple hours and then slept for the remainder of the night. The next day we packed up and hiked back to the high school.

The wintercamp experience was both fun and exciting and was an excellent learning experience for me because I have never before camped during the winter. The hike up to the lake was enjoyable because of the scenery and the challenge of hiking up the hill. The hike would have been much more enjoyable if I had remembered to pack my water bottle, however I was able to make it to the lake without becoming too thirsty. I learned that for camping excursions like this one require a lot more food and water than I had brought. My clothing layers where very useful due to the change in wind and temperature throughout the course of the day. I also learned how to construct a proper quinzee, though it could have sat for another hour or two because of the conditions of the snow. I learned that when I push myself I can accomplish any challenging task that is presented to me. I also learned that the hike came easier to me than I expected it to and would have been a more enjoyable experience than a daunting one if I had my water prepared for the trip. I learned valuable skills that can be used for a survival condition In the bush such as, building a winter shelter, retaining body heat, keeping hydrated and well fed, and in extreme cases; learning how to make a hypothermia rap.

My favourite part of the trip was digging out the quinzee and also sitting around the fire learning a bit about all of my classmates that I will spend time with on excursions like this one throughout the rest of the semester. I generally enjoyed every element of the trip with the exception of the sleeping. It was a cold night but after a while the sleeping bag begins to feel very warm and comfortable. However the sleep was uncomfortable due to the rough sleeping platform in the quinzee. This could have easily been solved if the quinzee had another hour or two to set. The food was very enjoyable as well as the time we had to spend with ourselves.

Some things I would change would be preparations for the camping trip such as packing more water and food as well as bringing more comfortable footwear for the trip. I would also allow the quinzee more time to sit so that it would be more stable. I would also bring extra liners instead of extra boots because my extra pare did not fit me very well and were uncomfortable.

I would enjoy having another trip like this one tenfold. It was very enjoyable with the group activities that we engaged and the time we spent talking and laughing around the fire. The scenery was also magnificent. I am excited for the next time we go out for our next learning experience.

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